Become a Visit USA UK Business Partner TODAY
If you are involved in providing services to the UK-USA travel market, then you should consider joining us.
The Visit USA Association (UK) was established over 20 years ago to promote leisure travel from the UK to and within the USA. Our current membership of over 150 includes organisations from every facet of the travel industry including airlines, hotels, tour operators, attractions, states and destinations.
The annual business partner membership fee 2024/2025 of £832 + VAT opens the door to several key benefits, offering an opportunity to network with members via various channels plus access to subsidised and/or pay-to-play activities.
Your membership includes:
- Attendance at two General Meetings and Receptions per annum (FOC)
- Attendance at other networking events as advertised throughout the year for Business Partners
- One solus email to all members (or segmented group) about your company’s services per annum (sent via VUSAUK HQ)
- Your company name, logo, contact/s and description of the website
- Information and updates from HQ on association activities
- Visit USA UK Business Partner logo to use on your promotional material
- Opportunities to sponsor various activities as advertised