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State of Vermont Tourism

Vermont's dynamic change of seasons, sweeping mountains, charming villages and unique forestry is only part of what makes this corner of the World such a compelling place to visit. Just a 3.5 hour drive from New York or even less from Boston - indulging in a little skiing, local cuisine, hiking, driving tours, and spa weekends has never been easier- with daily trains and picturesque wide open roads.

Spring sees the snowy mountain tops melt away, replaced by beautiful budding trees and flowers, whilst thousands of little buckets eagerly await the first drips of sap from Vermont’s world famous maple trees. Summer is the perfect time to simply ‘be’ outdoors; with camping, hiking, riding, fishing, golf, picnicking and wild swimming amongst some of the activities on offer. International award winning local foods, wines and beer from the numerous and world renowned breweries attract visitors from across the planet. Autumn brings an explosion of unique and mesmerising fall foliage: top of many people’s ‘bucket list’, the rolling hills come alive with flame-reds, pinks and burning oranges from the sweet maple trees that scatter the horizon making for a truly magical road trip or hiking experience. Winter’s playground is at its best in the Green Mountain State - a serious skiing destination with 17 alpine ski resorts, the greatest snowfall on the East coast, non-European ski prices, and outstanding fire-side dining experiences. With so many outdoor adventures to be had on fresh powdered slopes and down in the snow dusted villages- Vermont prides itself on providing fun for all the family.

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